You need to have paraplegic exercises to maintain your health whether you were born with the condition or you lost the utility of your legs because of a disease or injury. Paraplegia is a condition that is linked to injuries of the spinal cord, causing paralysis of the lower body. Although a person affected by paraplegia could have complete or partial use of the upper body, the muscle could atrophy and your cardiovascular health may fail because of the constant inactivity. With a sedentary lifestyle, you will have increased risk of coronary artery disease, obesity and diabetes. However, through regular paraplegic exercises, you will be able to build your muscle mass, increase your strength, widen your range of motion and improve your mood. A complete exercise regimen that you could do on a regular basis may be incorporated with strength, flexibility and aerobic exercises. Aside from maintaining cardiovascular health, paraplegic exercises would also aid in keeping your weight down and essential for your mobility and general health.
Aerobic exercises are essential in keeping a healthy heart. The University of Illinois stated that a lot of fitness facilities which accommodate disabled people have specialized gym equipment like stationary bicycles that you could ride with the use of the arms and treadmills that were designed for wheelchair users. There are also roving machines that provide substantial workout for the upper body, which can also aid in increasing your heart rate.
A common condition that has been observed in people that are confined to wheelchairs is Tendonitis of the shoulders and arms. To prevent injuries to your tendon and keep the muscles from being strained, it is vital that you perform stretching exercises that will keep the muscles of the upper body supple. You can do a simple stretching exercise by reaching your arms over and to the side of your head. Avoid bouncing. Instead, hold each position for about twenty seconds, so that the muscles will be full extended and the blood will circulate through them. As part of your regular routine, push your wheelchair backwards so that the muscles in your arms and shoulder could be stretched in a direction that is different from the one they are accustomed to.
As you push and maneuver your wheelchair manually, the strength of your upper body will develop naturally. Try targeting particular groups of muscle to ensure that your upper body gets a balanced exercise. Lifting weights or working out with cable pulley machines is a method you can use to build your core muscles, as well as those in your back, shoulders and arms. For the musculature of your whole upper body, you can try doing the sitting push-up. This exercise will also take the pressure off from your buttocks when you perform it.
The sitting push up is one of the paraplegic exercises that is simple to do. You just have to grip the arms of your wheelchair and then push your body up, maintaining the position for around ten to twenty seconds. Lower your body down and repeat the exercise ten times. Include the sitting push up to your regular paraplegic exercises and do them every day from two to three times.