Sanatogen range of supplements

none of the Sanatogen range is listed as containing a banned ingredient like Caffeine, or Ephedrine bu to make sure, we advise contact with the manufacturer for confirmation

This Product can be used for the following complaints/illnesses:

multivitamin, tonic

Sports Information

This Product does not contain any banned substances according to the IOC, therefore this product can be taken in accordance with the Manufacturers guidelines.


Additional Information

Supplements must be checked carefully to avoid unwanted contaminants..always confirm with the manufacturer in writing!

Active Ingredients



This list is a reference source for licensed medical products according to the latest IOC (International Olympic Committee) guidelines. Some food supplements are included, but verified information on ingredients of most supplements is very hard to obtain.

Medicines and supplements may change in appearance, content and banned status from time to time, and some organisations may have more stringent rules for their own sport. If you are in any doubt, consult with your group medical officer.

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