The average athlete takes special care of their nutritional needs because good nutrition is essential to an athlete’s performance. Nutrition for athletes has come a long way since the days when they believed that they had to eat food that stuck to the ribs before an event. Nutritionists have gotten wiser. Since athletes are required to use a great deal of energy during an event, diets are generally catered to that need. Heavy and thick foods like starches (rice, potatoes breads) actually drag down an athlete and hinder the performance; whereas foods rich in beta-carotene can help to up the energy level and boost performance without weighing or tiring the athlete out. While training, you should not eat heavy fatty foods and starches, but carbohydrates are necessary.
Athletes should also look for extra food energy when they can. Grains, and baked potatoes are a great source for extra energy. Athletes need about 27 calories per pound for building mass 20 calories per pound for maintenance for males 17 calories per pound for maintenance for females. Protein needs somewhere between 0.5-1 gram per pound carbohydrate needs (3-5 grams per pound depending on the intensity of the training and the sport that they are training for; the higher the intensity for training, the more you need to monitor the amount of carbohydrate needed to fuel the activity and muscle growth) fat needs (usually it’s the balance of your calories after your protein and carbohydrate needs are met or about 0.5 grams per pound) this is as described by the food pyramid guide.
Whenever you are thinking of beginning the right nutritional regimen for yourself, you should know that as you are an individual, so should your regimen suit your individual needs. A check up from your doctor can ensure that you are not harming your body in choosing your nutritional needs. Once your doctor has helped you with what is best for you, you are ready to go.