The Athlete

Dieting - What you need to know

Dieting is a part of the American culture. In the US, the majority of obese people are getting into dieting. Names such as The Atkins Diet and The Hollywood Miracle Diet are gaining popularity stating immediate effects. In the last decade, more and more Americans are looking at leading fuller, healthier and more active lives. While some dismiss these as fads, some programs like the Atkins Nutritional Program are phenomenal successes.

Dieting is a way of life for millions. People are making adjustments in their lifestyle including in what they eat. This is because the objective is no longer simply weight loss but to achieve other benefits as well. People do not want to go for short term and expensive weight loss programs as they really do not go a long way.

Dieting also requires an exercise plan to achieve the desired results and to keep it up for life. One needs to define one’s goals and to determine how far one can go or keep up to produce results. Someone may be able to follow a rigorous health plan while another may indulge in a moderate plan.

Dieting necessarily does not mean cutting down on calories without taking into consideration the nutritional angle. One must supplement a health plan with proper nutrition as otherwise it is bound to have serious implications. Therefore, the best way is to consult a professional food therapist to prescribe a diet plan without compromising on the nutritional aspect. Exercise must also be a part of the plan for the best results.

Dieting plans are at risk from food cravings and other habits like smoking. Therefore, to keep cravings in check, one must not miss meals. It is a good idea to keep healthy snacks, such as fruit or carrot/celery sticks handy. Plenty of water must be taken in to reduce craving. Food should not be stacked in the house and a person should keep busy by engaging in other activities.